Fort Picolet is a historic fort located in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti. It was built in the late 18th century by the French during their colonial rule over the island of Hispaniola. The fort was strategically positioned on a hill overlooking the Bay of Cap-Haïtien, serving as a defensive structure to protect the city and its valuable harbor.

Fort Picolet played a significant role in several pivotal events in Haiti’s history. During the Haitian Revolution, which led to the country’s independence from France in 1804, the fort served as a stronghold for both French and Haitian forces at different times. It witnessed battles and sieges as various factions fought for control over the strategic port city.

The fort’s design reflects the military architecture of the era, featuring thick stone walls, cannons, and strategic vantage points. It was named after General Louis Marie, Marquis de Picolet, who served as the French governor of Cap-Français (now Cap-Haïtien) during the late 18th century.

Today, Fort Picolet stands as a historical landmark and a testament to Haiti’s rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the fort’s ruins, marvel at its architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the bay and the surrounding area. The site offers a glimpse into the island’s colonial past and the struggles for independence that shaped its history.

Fort Picolet’s significance extends beyond its historical value. It also contributes to the tourism industry in Cap-Haïtien, attracting both domestic and international visitors who are interested in exploring Haiti’s historical sites and experiencing its vibrant culture.

As a symbol of Haiti’s resilience and its struggle for freedom, Fort Picolet stands as a reminder of the nation’s rich history and the enduring spirit of its people.

Construction of the fort began in 1736 and was completed in 1741 under the guidance of Mr. Du Coudrean engineer


Leclerc military expedition sent by Napoleon Bonaparte to regain control of the island landed in Fort Picolet  in February 1802 with 40,000 troops.

The fort has two superimposed batteries, a round road and a wall along the coast


The fort first commander was Henry Christophe.

Great place to experience the beauty of Haiti! Definitely a must when visiting Cap-Haitien. 

Amazing view from this old French fort. Great hike to get there. The hike isn’t easy but I promise it’s worth every drop of sweat.  


Rival Beach,

Cap Haitien, Haiti

 Longitude : 19˚ 46′ 57,50” N

Latitude : 72˚ 11′ 21,45” O

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